Restaurant Leadership, How Not to be a Tyrant.
Restaurant Leadership

To totally optimize your profit and have an enjoyable place to work you are going to have to learn leadership. Whether you feel you are a born leader or not these are skills that will inspire your employees and drive your profit margin as large as possible. Respect First off we need to talk about respect.  […]

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The Truth Behind a Groupon Deal
Groupon Deal

Groupon and similar deals (there are many imitators) are usually a bad idea for restaurants.  This is one of the services that we believe is borderline predatory.  They make it easy for restaurant owners to sign up when the details are well hidden and never explained. The “Deal” So, what are these deals? Basically, Groupon […]

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Restaurant Food Cost, Pricing and Portion control
Restaurant food cost, pricing and portion control

A vital part of any restaurant business will be determining the restaurant food cost of menu items. It is very important to be as accurate as possible with these cost, so a business can set the prices properly. The correct prices will maximize profit. Finally, to make sure prices remain optimal a restaurant must control […]

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Buying an Existing Restaurant Business
Buying an Existing Restaurant Business

Buying an existing restaurant business can be a great idea.  A great first option should be to find a location that was once a restaurant but is now closed.  You won’t have to pay a premium for the business and the landlord will likely be very happy to include the equipment in the rent price or […]

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What to look for in a Restaurant Space
Restaurant Space

The restaurant space We have already talked about what type of restaurant to open, so given those parameters what should you look for when searching for a restaurant space?  There are three main options, lease a former restaurant, buy an existing restaurant and finally, build out a non-restaurant space. If you are reading this blog […]

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Get a domain and create a restaurant website NOW!
Restaurant Website

Domain Your restaurant website is going to be one of your most important assets.  It is imperative that you design a professional restaurant website.  It will separate you from your competition, especially the local restaurants.  Customers are more and more turning to the web for information on the restaurants they want to visit.  Having a […]

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